2023, Declarations

Anointed – Session 1

Esther of this generation, the time promised by God has come at last! HE has announced. “The Kingdom of God is at hand!”

Esther of this generation, decree:

King Jesus lives inside of me. 

My body is not only a temple of the Holy Spirit, but also a kingdom which God has given me to have dominion over. 

I have been adopted by my Heavenly Father into His royal family.

Every part of my life has mattered.  God has been preparing me for the palace since the time I was conceived. 

King Jesus the Anointed One lives in me. Therefore, I am anointed.

I have been anointed, to display The King and His Kingdom, as His beloved here on earth.

I am a living stone, here on earth, reflecting the beauty, and presence of Jesus Christ.

The legacy of Jesus lives in me and through me.