2023, Declarations

Celebrated – Session 3

Esther of this generation, strength and dignity are your clothing. You look at your future and smile. 

Esther of this generation, decree:

I have been judged as righteous and in perfect standing with the King.  

I have been given the upper hand. 

I recover and plunder all that was taken from me. 

I am called a friend of God. What I want to see happen here on earth matters to Him. My desires matter to God. 

King Jesus has given me an open invitation into His courts. He longs to hear what I have to say. He is pleased with me. 

I am celebrated in God’s kingdom. 

Through the scepter of the cross, I walk in the authority of the King. Whatever I bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever I loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. 

The cross is a symbol of God’s celebration over my life for generations to come.