2023, Declarations

The Kings Proclamation

For Such a Time as This

“Beloved daughter… You have my attention today… I want to share my heart with you. I long for you to know my deep love for you… that is how you live in fullness of joy. Your purpose and destiny rest in the revelation of my abiding love. Your greatest calling is to be an expression of my Divine Love. This is the heart of the Christian faith.. to know my love and to be known by me, your heavenly Father. I desire to rekindle the fire of your first love for me…

The Fire of Holy Spirit is jealous to set you ablaze… (Pray and ask me to open your heart to receive love)

The Father’s Proclamation

You are created for divine purpose… created to walk in good works and great love. You are set in place…on this day, in this hour, to do the good works I have created for you to do…

You have been chosen, called and equipped for such a time as this…

dIfficult times, in the world around you, but my light shines brightest in the darkness. This is a time of my greatest Holy Spirit outpouring! You daughter are a carrier of my light, my love, my message and my Presence.

You are equipped and ready as you stand by faith in Christ. Similar to Esther, you are called for a now time…called to advance the kingdom of righteousness thru Jesus Christ.

You are a carrier of my glory, so shine forth like never before.

“Let your light shine! Speak of me, as you journey each day. Let Holy Spirit lead you by faith. Listen to Holy Spirit whispers… He will guide you in all truth. He will make your paths clear before you… as you move through each day, release words of hope to the hopeless…be of good cheer… speak of salvation… healing.. salvation in Christ…declare that the Kingdom of God is now! Make much of Jesus!

Like Esther, dare to risk…I will not fail you! Heal the sick, mend the brokenhearted, and fill need. Look to bless in Jesus name. As you do, you will see me do mighty and wondrous acts that you have never seen! Resist the temptation to isolate and withdraw… I say it’s your time to rise and shine! Let my Presence abide in you in all joy, faith, peace, perseverance and determine to run your race to win the prize!

Lay aside all that hinders you… thoughts of doubt, failure, rejection and know who you are in me! Seek my healing and deliverance. I am willing and near. Come to me often, seek me, I am close. Increase your time with me. Set your heart to listen as I have much to share ...I will speak to you of Love.”

The King’s Decree

Your heart longs to know you are loved. You are created to give and receive love. “Prayer… Lord, open my heart that I may receive the truth of your love for me. Let my heart be healed so your love fills me today. Grant me grace to receive by faith all You have for me in this season…I ask for wisdom, understanding and vision.”

“You are accepted in the beloved.” Eph. 1:6 KJV

Have you received Jesus by faith as Lord and Savior?

“When I look at you, I see Jesus, my Beloved Son. His righteousness was given to you when you turned to Him in repentance and received Him as your Lord and Savior. You are now in Him through my gift of grace”.

“Through grace and faith in Jesus, my scepter is extended to you with acceptance. I behold you and invite you into my Presence. My scepter is outstretched with welcome. I say come…”

I behold you with an outstretched arm of my perfect love

I behold you as my family, you are adopted and no longer an orphan

I behold you with affection and approval, as my child

I behold you in total forgiveness, as one made clean and new

I behold you with fondness and with pleasure, with delight and joy

I behold you covered in Christ’s righteousness

I behold you as a new creation, born again thru grace

I behold you as the recipient of all my blessings and goodness

I behold you in great worth and value, as you were bought with a price

I behold you as free, no longer a slave to sin

I behold your prayers and bend down to listen to your every call

I behold you and sing over you with rejoicing

I behold you as an inheritor of my Kingdom

I behold you as my prized possession, and hold you near my heart

I behold you, daughter, as one united with me thru Christ Jesus

My desire is for you to abide in my love and my love remaining in you




When the King extended his scepter to Esther, she became aware of his acceptance. She was allowed access to his very courts and presence. He allowed entrance by his grace! He held all the power, and yet, he heard her requests for her people. Her prayer and fasting exposed enemy plans and saved her nation from destruction!

Like Esther, our prayers are heard because of God’s grace and love!

“However, our power in prayer with God comes more from who we know we are in Him, than from what we pray.” (Wanda Alger)

Increasing Prayer Intimacy

During your prayer time today, focus on the joy and freedom knowing you belong to Jesus and He belongs to You… A King who is a powerful friend.

Remember who and whose you are before you pray. You are the BELOVED. “What is your request to me for my Kingdom purposes in your life?”

What is the condition of your heart? It is not the words you speak that are the most powerful when you pray, but your heart and faithfulness in following His lead.

Your prayer should be an overflow of your heart’s focus on him, not a checklist of needs

Envision yourself seated with Christ on the throne and lean into His heart.

Begin to Worship Him and praise Him

Ask Him to cleanse your eyes and ear gates in order to receive well from the Spirit.

Remove fear and anxiety before you pray

Focus on His IMMENSE LOVE. HIS SOVEREIGNTY and His miraculous power at work in you!

Determine to be clear of self-centered thoughts. Release negative attitudes and judgments and invite the Lord to renew your mind according to His Word. Invite Holy Spirit to reveal new things in new ways.

See yourself as a co-heir with Christ, one called to rule and speak for the king! Focus your prayers on declaring His purposes rather than on fixing problems Declare His Word into your circumstances

Turn asking into declarations! Declare His kingdom come into all your situations, including our nations, government etc.

(Wanda Alger, Moving from Sword to Scepter)