2022, Declarations


Chosen by Love Day Retreat Declarations


God of the universe, and all that is in it, heaven and earth are your creations. You who choose, to make your dwelling place, how wonderful You are. You not only call me your child, You also call me your temple, and your beloved. Your extravagant love makes me want to follow you more. You even delight, in my sacrifice of praise, for unto you, it is a beautiful melody. You God, who keeps every promise, You call me your Bride, and have given me, the gift of the Holy Spirit, as an engagement ring. I take it and where it, as a sign of my love for You.


I declare that:

  • I am your bride
  • I am completely loved
  • You dress me with your words of love
  • You envelope me in your splendor
  • You heal my wounds
  • I take your hand
  • I enter Your gate beautiful
  • My life will be worship to you God
  • My hands will worship YOU
  • My lips will worship YOU
  • All that is with in me will bless your HOLY NAME
